Mexican villagers bulldoze 18th century chapel

chapel_bMexican officials said Tuesday they have filed a criminal complaint after villagers in the central state of Tlaxcala bulldozed a chapel from the 1700s.

Arturo Balandrano, the head of the historical monuments for the National Institute of Anthropology and History, said he doesn’t know why people in the township of San Pablo del Monte tore down the Chapel of Holy Christ late Saturday and early Sunday. MORE


U.S. House conservative files motion to oust Speaker Boehner

house-speaker-john-boehner-cryI would never have guessed  that speaker Boehner is Catholic.

Reps. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), fierce and frequent critics of leadership, thought the move was ill-advised. Some of Meadows’ friends didn’t even see it coming. But just before 6 p.m. Tuesday — a day before the House was set to leave town for its five-week summer recess — Meadows offered a motion to vacate the chair, an extraordinarily rare procedural move that represents the most serious expression of opposition to Boehner’s speakership. If the motion were to pass — most Republicans say it will be hard to cobble together the votes — Boehner would be stripped of the speaker’s gavel, potentially plunging the House of Representatives into chaos. MORE

TV depiction of Colombia’s only saint angers her devotees

Colombia Telenovela ControversyBogota-based Caracol, which is producing the 24-episode mega-production “Laura, the Colombian Saint,” is known as one of the most-thriving telenovela factories in Latin America. But most of the network’s productions, with names like “Without Breasts There’s No Paradise” and “Cartel of the Snitches,” tend to follow more sinful story lines that are popular with audiences but often criticized as inappropriate. MORE

Why So Many People Think Pope Francis Is the Antichrist

ACFRAIf you type “is Pope Francis antichrist” into Google, you’ll get about 425,000 results in .37 seconds. By way of comparison, if you ask Google the same question about Pope Benedict you only get 137,000 and it takes a little longer—.47 seconds.

So why do so many people think—or at least ponder—that the Latin American pontiff is the Antichrist (or at least the end-time False Prophet mentioned in Revelation 19:20)? It could be for some of the same reasons his popularity is declining. His approval rating in the United States has dropped from 76 percent a year ago to 56 percent today, according to Gallup. MORE

Calif. students now given six ‘gender identity’ choices on college admissions applications

gendersCollege Fix: Questions about gender identity and sexual orientation have been added to admissions applications used by the University of California system, including no less than six choices for students when checking off their “gender identity.”

One new question posed to those seeking admittance to the system – which educates 233,000 students enrolled in 10 campuses statewide – is “How do you describe yourself? (Mark one answer).” MORE

In the 1960s, scientists knew chemo only helped with short-term remission of most cancer – – Learn how diluted NAZI NERVE GAS eventually became the chemotherapy of today

nazi-kills-with-chemo-nerve-gas-2Over 100 chemotherapy drugs used in America today came from toxic nerve gas used by Hitler to exterminate people by the hundreds of thousands in just a few years. Mass grave sites are a world known FACT and Jews were gassed to DEATH with the same ingredients used by doctors and oncologists today to simply STAVE OFF cancer for a few years so they can say you survived because of the treatment. MORE

5 volcanoes simultaneously erupt in Indonesia: shroud skies with dark ash clouds

indonesian-volcano-erupting-5July 2015INDONESIA – Eruptions of ash at five volcanoes shrouded the skies over parts of the Indonesian archipelago several days ago, forcing three airports to close. More airports have since closed due to the ash clouds. Mount Raung on Java Island blasted ash and debris up to 2,000 meters (6,560 feet) into the air after rumbling for several weeks, government volcanologist Surono said. Continue reading

Kyrgyzstan tears up U.S. cooperation agreement

Part-PAR-Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) (AFP) – Ex-Soviet Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday announced it was tearing up a long-running cooperation agreement with the United States after Washington awarded a rights prize to a jailed ethnic minority campaigner.

Central Asian Kyrgyzstan and the United States inked a cooperation deal in 1993 and the strategically located nation hosted a key US military base supplying the war effort in Afghanistan until 2014. MORE